Global Heat Account – Not without Shipping etc

Ships push more heat into than out of the ocean – A major source of global warming since industrialization.

In a world which is getting steadily warmer it sound a good question to ask for the main source for the incremental rise in
temperatures on earth. The excellent blog of Judith Curry did it (2018/03/09), while Willis Eschenbach picked up the subject at WUWT. It is worth to read both post.

Prof. Curry’s starting point is a reference to the IPCC AR5 (Report 2013) which concluded that:

It is extremely likely that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was caused by [humans]. The best estimate of the human induced contribution is similar to the observed warming over this period.

It is little Prof. Curry offers herself to contribute on her question where the heat is coming from. Neither does Willies Eschenbach who stress that nobody knows much about the up-and-down since the Romans, but that “ … none of those gradual temperature changes were caused by variations in CO2”. Subsequently he mentions that the sun is the source of all heat, but stress univocal:

“Now, does this show that the sun is indeed the cause of the gradual warming?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. There are plenty of forces at play in even this restricted subset of climate variables, and the fact that a couple of them line up does NOT mean that one is causing the other.”

2 thoughts on “Global Heat Account – Not without Shipping etc

  1. The ocean plays the most important role in climate change and we fool ourselves if we dont take it into consideration. The ocean is the second most important source in climate change and people should know more about it!

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